Friday, July 1, 2011

The Real Reason

Me, complaining to Rolene about Dave: he chose the last three movies and fell asleep during each one. It wasn't as if I had chosen the movies and he found them boring! I have actually downloaded two movies and he hasn't shown any interest in watching them.Well, maybe it's because they are both about Hitler...

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Dave and I were driving to work this morning when I noticed this in the driver's side window.

"Look Dave, Apple makes cars now."
"Buddy got that there in case you drives up alongside him and you wants to give him your number. Or marry him."

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ryan Snodden

So w're listening to Radio Noon at dinner (because of the time difference) and Ryan Snodden comes on to do the weather. He's mentioning minus 23 and minus 43 and blowing winds and it's just awful.

Jen: The temperatures there are the same as here, only negative.
Dave: Yeah, Ryan! Don't be so negative!

Monday, January 24, 2011

If Only

Dave and I are watching Breaking Bad and the wife goes on reverse lookup and finds out that this guy, Jesse Pinkman, had just called her husband, pretending to be from the phone company. She quickly finds his myshout page.

She scrolls down and says "'MILF's.' The hell is a MILF?"

I notice the EDUCATION  section and say to Dave, "Hey, Michelle* went to school there!"

Dave turns to me and asks "MILF College?"

*name changed to protect Dave