Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mail Bonding

Dave: When I came to bed last night I knew something didn't feel quite right. There was a whole pile of mail in the bed.

Monday, July 19, 2010

That's Why I Bought This One

I was looking through the wallets for a long time before I saw this one, and then, even though the colours are not ones I would usually choose, this one spoke to me. And I was like "Yes, by! A talking wallet!"

(pronounced [kuβa])

Me: Mom and I are going to go to the Alex Cuba concert on Thursday.
Dave: Alex Cuba? School's Out Fo' Summa?

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Dad: There's this one crow out on the front all the time. I guess it's someone in the family who died and came back.


Dad: I got a package here for your brother. I think it's mountain climbing equipment from Vancouver.
Me: Really? Mountain climbing equipment? He doesn't...wait.  Dad, is it possible it's Mountain Equipment?